Back up to computer

  • Jenny
  • Autor del tema
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12 años 8 meses antes #361 por Jenny
Back up to computer Publicado por Jenny
I am just starting to use idoceo to replace my mark book. I have understood how to back up to dropbox but do not see how, if I were to lose my ipad, I can restore the data on my home computer. Is the only solution to get another ipad?
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  • bert
  • Administrador
12 años 8 meses antes #362 por bert
Respuesta de bert sobre el tema Re: Back up to computer
Hi Jenny,
Yes, iDoceo is only available (at the moment) on the iPad so in order to restore your data you'd need another iPad.
Some users do export their info to XLS, CSV or PDF (into dropbox, for example) to be able to manage it outside iDoceo in case some fatality occurs.
El siguiente usuario dijo gracias: Jenny
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