Seperate fields for Forename and Surname

  • Ben
  • Autor del tema
  • Invitado
12 años 9 meses antes #88 por Ben
Please add support for seperate Forename and Surname fields and the ability to sort students by either - this would be awesome.

Currently, adding a new student places them to the bottom of the list, but there is no way of re-arranging. In addition to sorting as I suggested above - please add the ability to move students individually up or down - just as columns can already be moved.

many thanks!
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  • bert
  • Administrador
12 años 9 meses antes #89 por bert
Respuesta de bert sobre el tema Re: Seperate fields for Forename and Surname
HI Ben,
Thanks for your comments, I'll see what we can do about its.

About adding a new student and being at the bottom, it shouldn't be like that. If you've been using iDoceo since version 1 you might have to Edit every student and then Save it , this should return each student to the 'natural' alphabetic sort order. Let us know about it if you still have trouble.

Meanwhile, there is a way to rearrange students at will. On each student details , there is a field called group. To put a student on the first position , use group 10. For the second position use group 11 , third 12 and so on, you must assign a group to each student, and if two students share the same group , then it will sort them both alphabetically. Give it a try.

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  • bert
  • Administrador
12 años 9 meses antes #98 por bert
Respuesta de bert sobre el tema Re: Seperate fields for Forename and Surname
Hi Ben,
Our next release 1.4 will be available on the app Store by the end of next week, it will allow you to change a student's row position at will.
Hope you find it useful.
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